How can I redeem or transfer my Brave Wallet BAT token to another network or wallet with no Fees ?

Asian Monk
1 min readFeb 10, 2021

I have been looking in r/BATProject sub and found out people were asking how to redeem / transfer there BAT token in their wallet etc. And transferring Token are taking much Fees than expected.

First of all BAT tokens will be credited to you on 6th of every month or more in case.

To Claim your Reward on your mobile click on Claim & redeem those BAT token to your account and On desktop BAT will be credited automatically to your wallet connected with UPHOLD .

There is two option here now either you can Use UPHOLD account Or you can transfer to another network or wallet.

To the transfer of BAT tokens form Brave wallets

  1. go to UPHOLD i.e.
  2. see anything to anything title then transact option
  3. click on from select your Brave Wallet , same for To select network to be transfer your BAT to another wallet.

Main thing comes out here is Fees , to transfer your BAT will cost high if you choose Bitcoin network or Ethereum network as it will cost you $13(approx) currently.

Solution is that , you can use XRP Ledger network cost you around $0.00075 to transfer BAT token which is way less and doesn’t affect your reward. Another network you can use is DASH network transfer will also give you preference on your earned reward will cost you around $0.3 or 3–4 cents.

Best of luck !

TIP me if you think.



Asian Monk

Part time Article writer & a cryptocurrency investor